PlacementHub FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about PlacementHub? We've got answers! Dive into our FAQs for expert guidance.

Product Features and Usage

What features does Sageware's PlacementHub offer?
PlacementHub is an integrated solution for manpower agencies, offering a comprehensive website and backoffice system. It includes principal-facing features for making manpower requests and worker-facing features for job applications, streamlining agency operations.
Can I customize the service to fit my needs?
Yes, feature requests aligned with our development roadmap are included at no extra charge. For agency-specific customizations, discuss your needs with your account manager for an assessment and a no-obligation quote.
What support and training materials are available?
A success portal with guides and tutorials is available to help you maximize PlacementHub's features. Additionally, our team will check in weekly at the start of your subscription to ensure you're fully leveraging PlacementHub.
What support and training materials are available?
A success portal with guides and tutorials is available to help you maximize PlacementHub's features. Additionally, our team will check in weekly at the start of your subscription to ensure you're fully leveraging PlacementHub.

Pricing and Billing

Are there any setup fees or hidden costs?
A one-time setup fee is charged upon purchase, covering server setup resources. There are no hidden costs; we pride ourselves on transparent pricing.
How is billing and invoicing handled?
Annual payments are invoiced at the trial start and 30 days before license expiration, payable via bank transfer. Monthly payments are invoiced on the 1st of each month after setup.
Are there any lock-in periods or exit fees?
No lock-in periods or exit fees exist. Notify us one month in advance to terminate your subscription without penalties.

Account Management

What is the policy on account sharing?
Account sharing is unnecessary as all plans include unlimited user access.
What happens to my data if I cancel my account?
Upon cancellation, you can request a backup of your database (.sql), including all registrations, content, and configurations.

Information Security

Where is my data stored?
Data is securely housed on a dedicated server, ensuring privacy and security for your agency's information.
What happens to my data if I cancel my account?
Upon cancellation, you can request a backup of your database (.sql), including all registrations, content, and configurations.